HyperQuant Telegram Bot

Our Telegram trading bot provides users with real-time market data and seamless trading features, giving them an edge in acting on markets, whether on desktop or mobile. The user-friendly portfolio assistant simplifies the trading process, making it readily accessible to both new and experienced traders taking advantage of HyperLiquid's advanced protocol.

Overall, our bot assistant offers speed, precision, and ease of use that typical traditional trading methods can't match. Below, we'll go over some of the main features.

Enjoy all the benefits and depth of DeFi with straightforward, clear options. Ready to give it a try? Download Telegram to your device and start a chat with our Bot using the user friendly buttons or browse and use the commands glossary.


Quickly determine the top performers and study from the best. Monitor their movement, history, and strategies easily with only a few clicks and a keystroke.

Spot Trades and Setting Slippage

Spot trading allows users to buy or sell assets directly from their Telegram app, in real time, at current market price with immediate settlement. It’s a straightforward approach that allows traders to own and trade assets rather than needing to use a centralized exchange or complicated dApp.

Slippage can be easily adjusted and may need to be adjusted from time to time when participating in more volatile markets, as the actual execution price of a trade may differ slightly from the expected price due to rapid market fluctuations.

Long and Short Positions

Utilizing longs allows traders to profit dramatically from an asset's price increase, while shorts enable gains from price declines, offering flexibility to your trading hypothesis. Both strategies pose greater risk than spot trading.

Traders might choose these strategies using the to capitalize on strong market trends or hedge existing positions, balancing potential rewards with the inherent risks.

Asset Positions Management

Often when managing multiple cryptocurrencies within a web extension (Metamask, etc), issues can arise on multiple fronts. "Where's that token I just bought?" or "Why isn't the current value being displayed?" to name a few.

HyperQuant Telegram Bot allows the simple ability to view, manage, and update your current positions, such as changing leverage.

... and More

Effortless sniping? Launching a token? With updates always on the way, HyperQuant is dynamic and so is our Telegram bot. Review the Commands Glossary for a full list of current commands.

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